Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Let the diaries begin!

Sometime last fall, I finally boxed up all 19 of my old diaries at my parent’s house and lugged them back to my apartment in the next state over. You should know, only the first five diaries are the typical journal size. The last 14 are spiral-bound 3-subject or 5-subject notebooks. They take up almost an entire shelf in my bookcase.

Since getting them home, I’ve been reading bits and pieces and am always surprised to remember things I had long since forgotten. I found my diary entries to be fairly entertaining and have decided to share them… publicly.

First, some ground rules:
  1. I will censor all last names. If you know me or went to my schools, you can probably still figure out who’s who. If you think you’ve identified yourself and you’re uncomfortable with anything I’ve posted, please email me.
  2. I will not post any hate rants because they come across way more malicious and angry than I really felt and I don’t want to hurt any feelings. Don’t worry… there’s not many of them, so you’re not missing much.
  3. I will try to pick the most interesting entries and cut out anything excessively boring. No one wants to read what I ate for breakfast in 1997 or ramble through a comprehensive list of the 10 guys I flirted with every day.
  4. I will try to post even the most embarrassing entries… I’m sure they will be among the most entertaining.
That’s all I can think of for now. I’ll probably throw in some current updates from time to time too.

We’ll see how this goes! Enjoy!

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