Monday, February 23, 2009


It gets pretty illegible at the end there... it says: I had to go to the hospital and get stitches. ouch! The cut is on my thumb. It really hurts. So I don't get an infection, I need to wear a band-aid. I have to change it now so-- bye!

I suffered seven stitches in my right thumb. It wasn't all that bad compared to the time in first grade when I fell off my bike, skidded on my chin, and had to get 14 stitches (7 inside, 7 outside). Apparently the skin was hanging off my chin so severely that the bone was showing. Yuck. But at least that time I was trying to do something awesome (go super-fast down a hill without pedaling)... this time all I was trying to do was open a can of tuna fish. Lame. Sure doesn't make for a very good scar story.


  1. Yeah, but what you forgot to mention is that your thumb now has a weird little ridge right in the middle of it!


  2. Oh, that's true! Unique, but not very bad-ass. I still wish I had a more impressive assailant than a tuna fish can.

    Do you think I can start telling people that I got in a knife fight?

  3. If I didn't know you I might believe you. But if I'd read your blog I probably wouldn't believe that you'd discovered some hitherto unknown knife-fighting skills when you were 10.
