Saturday, March 21, 2009

Intro to Flirting

If you ask me, this was undeniable flirting. Whether Doug liked me or not and whether he would have admitted it or not, this was flirting. However, I can't guarantee the legitimacy of us "staring at each other dreamily"... I highly doubt Doug thought there was anything 'dreamy' about flicking water at me. But that's how I interpreted it at the time.

"Flirting" in middle school mostly involved boys and girls making fun of each other and physically abusing each other. I later brought this technique with me to high school and quickly realized that the game had changed. Boys were no longer interested in the girls that teased them, but liked the girls that complimented them and told them how big their muscles were.

But as long as I was in middle school (and boys did not yet have muscles to compliment), the aggressive flirting would continue!

1 comment:

  1. YES. nothing like tipping your mystery meat all over the caf floor to demonstrate true, dreamy love
