Oh yes, the infamous temper tantrum over Clue. I believe this happened shortly after we were all in a good mood, laughing at my sister for making an accusation involving the "leed" (lead) pipe. And I think, that night, we were playing the game on my bedroom floor...
Not sure why, but I used to love hosting events in my room as a kid. Like the one time I insisted we have St. Patrick's Day dinner at a card table set up in my bedroom because my walls were painted green and it was festive. Never mind the fact that we're not Irish at all and we never had before and never would again celebrate St. Patty's Day as a family. I doubt we even ate anything remotely Irish that night. As a good hostess though, I did provide dinner music... in the form of the New Kids on the Block Christmas cassette. Maybe that's why there was never a second annual St. Patrick's Day dinner in my bedroom...
But I suppose that may also explain why losing a game on my turf angered me so much that I chucked the Clue board across the room, sending cards and miniature weapons flying, and stormed out of my own bedroom. I was so outraged over the fact that my own mother would dare to beat me at my game in my bedroom. In my room, I expected to have the privilege to win all the games... just as I had the power to force four other people to listen to the completely irrelevant and awful dinner music I personally wanted to hear. So, sorry Mom... for both offenses.
In retrospect, I'm really surprised how upset I was about this. I'm especially shocked that I claimed to hate my dad just because he says everything is "slick". He still uses "slick" to this day and I actually like it... because, honestly, my dad is the only person I know who uses that word... and so it will always remind me of him. But when I think of it now, it's with fondness... not anger! I think I was just looking for an excuse to be mad. Apparently, life sucked.
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