Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pittsburgh Pirates Game

You may have noticed in the last entry, at some point in 6th grade, I started calling myself "Supergirl". As if giving myself a nickname wasn't conceited enough, I gave myself a nickname beginning with "super". The fact that I was just an innocent little twelve-year-old girl at the time is the only thing saving my former self from being considered a total douchebag.

I don't really understand why I chose that nickname either. There certainly wasn't much "super" about me at the time. I was weird, nerdy, pre-pubescent, and had hopeless crushes on boys who constantly told me they didn't like me, lived in other states, or were on TGIF sitcoms. Maybe it was a purposely contradictory nickname... like how some fat guys go by "Tiny". Or maybe I wished it'd be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Either way, it stuck for months and I even came up with a Supergirl symbol too.

Haha I thought the first 100,000 kids at the Pirates game got promotional balls & bats. Three Rivers Stadium only had a capacity of
47,952. And the average attendance in 1996 was only 16,446. Ouch. Just an example of how kids don't really understand big numbers. Anything over 100 was a lot to me. Same goes for money. Sure, I'd babysit for $4 an hour... I had no idea how little that really was. Honestly, I don't think I had a good concept of money until I was in college and it mattered.

Oh and if you're already getting annoyed with the whole talking diary thing, don't worry... I did too and pretty soon AB won't be talking much at all anymore.


  1. i had to laugh after reading this posting because in high school you went my the nickname krista "three rivers" *****

  2. I remember that play....and yes, Mrs. Daugherty DID fit the part...

    Though if you ask me today, I could not tell you why we disliked her so much...

    And as for the nickname - don't feel bad. I change the spelling of my name in 8th grade to CERA so that I could be like the dinosaur from Land Before Time. And YOU were the weird one.

  3. Daugherty! I knew it had a 'GH' in it, I just couldn't figure it out! Thanks! :)

    I remember you insisting on CERA very vividly... but I don't think I knew the Land Before Time connection. Hahaha. Do you still go by Cera? How long did that last?

  4. It definitely does NOT say "Cera" on my business cards! The vividly insisting only lasted through 8th grade, I think. After that, it served as a good substitution for e-mail addresses and usernames when "Sarah" was taken. Turns out - it's a popular name....
