Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Rachel dumps Doug!

So... five days earlier I *LOVED* Joe... and now it's back to Doug. Dammit. I wonder if Rachel hadn't broken up with him if I would have started liking him again anyhow. Probably.

By the way, how awesome were relationships in 6th grade? In one day, Rachel decided she liked Justin/Fergie and quickly proceeded to ask him out while she was still dating Doug. And once she secured her chances with Justin, then she broke up with Doug.

I also like how I got my relationship advice from a teen magazine. I guess at that age, a magazine was as good of a source as any... but I remember swearing by those articles and quizzes ("Are You a Flirt?" "Does He Like You?" "Is He Your Type?"). Here's a thought- if you need a quiz to determine if he's "the one", he's probably not.

Rachel wrote her note on a typewriter I used to keep in my bedroom for writing stories or letters to my friends. That reminds me that sometime around this age, my friend Meghan and I were garage sale hopping in my neighborhood when Meghan fell in love with the most beautiful baby blue typewriter. She even haggled the price down from $5.00 to $2.00. But when we went to carry it back to my house, we quickly realized that damn thing had to have been made of pure lead. We traded turns lugging it and by the time we made it the two blocks back to my house, our arms were burning. When Meghan's mom picked her up later that day, she was not too excited about Meghan's purchase. The beautiful typewriter that Meghan was originally so proud of sat unused in her closet for 3 years before it got thrown away when her family moved to South Carolina.

Haha... I was so computer-illiterate that I couldn't even load a floppy disk! In my defense though, Windows 3.1 wasn't terribly user-friendly. But the humor in this is that I grew up to be a computer programmer/analyst.

Okay, one last thing before I go. Did you notice the Ren & Stimpy reference on the orange pocket? That show was so annoying. I refuse to embed the Happy Happy Joy Joy video on this page because I can't stand it, but if you want to watch it, by all means...
Happy Happy Joy Joy on YouTube


  1. Ha! I loved that stupid typewriter and the fact that we almost broke our 12 year old little arms lugging it back to your house :)

  2. i just remembered how much i HATED ren & stimpy. i hated it so much that i didn't even want to watch it when it became forbidden by my parents
