If I had a nickel for every time I promised I would never like Doug again... Honestly, it's kind of ridiculous.
Anyhow, I feel so bad for my poor misguided preteen self. I basically said that I would have rather been stupid and attractive than smart and ugly. Aw. Sad. That's middle school for you. Middle school was the first time popularity became an issue. All I wanted was to be pretty, funny, popular, and to have boys like me. The last thing I wanted to be was a nerd.
Apparently in high school I said "F all that" and gave up on the whole popularity thing. However, I don't remember whether my participation in Drama Club, National Honor Society, and Key Club in high school was responsible for sabotaging my popularity pursuit or whether I gave up on popularity first and then joined those activities. I think it was probably the latter because I don't really remember anyone caring about popularity in high school. Probably mainly because I went to a big high school and everyone kind of did their own thing.
But the "new" issue of popularity in middle school caused those years to be especially interesting and full of drama. It sure as hell sucked at the time, but you gotta love looking back at it now for its entertainment value!
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