Monday, August 31, 2009

Bra Snapping

Technically it's Monday... and typically Monday means radio show clip day. But two radio show clips in a row would be no fun and I have many reasons for being a horrible blogger. You see... last week was not only crazy at work, but crazy at home too. On Wednesday, my friends Michelle, AJ, and I succeeded at making a mess of my kitchen while failing to cook Duck a l'Orange. On Thursday, my friend Jess from college was in town. And on Friday, I left for a fun and relaxing weekend in Put-in-Bay with Michelle, AJ, and our significant others.

Work this week is sure to be even more hectic, but someone I know you're familiar with from this blog is staying with me this week: Lianna, my best friend since kindergarten. :) Yay!

So enough boring shit and excuses. Onto the entry...

Bra snapping. What in the world? How long was this a cool thing to do... a couple months? Surely it didn't continue into high school. And definitely not into adulthood. Can you imagine sitting at your desk at the office today while a coworker tip-toes up behind you and snaps your bra before running away, giggling? I wonder why they didn't address that scenario in the sexual harassment video HR made us watch last month. And it's not like it'd only be weird in the workplace. Say you were hanging out at the bar nowadays and instead of accidentally-on-purpose brushing up against you or buying you a drink... a random guy just walks up, sticks a finger under your bra strap, and snaps it. Nice to meet you too...

I suppose back in the day, girl-on-girl bra snapping was just another way to get attention from boys. A way to show them, "Hey look at us, we wear bras now." Sounds like it worked.

LOL check out this Yahoo question I found:
"Does getting your bra strap snap hurt more than getin kicked in the balls?
My girl friend said it dose and what part is the part that gets snaped the parts on the shoulders or on the back?"
Hahahahaha that is cracking me up. Yup, that's about how naive we were at the time too.


  1. "We walked as friends." How profound, 7th grade Krista!

  2. hahahahaha so many boys i can hardly keep them straight!
