My goodness was I relentless! Craig refused to dance with me until all my annoying friends begged him to... he flat-out said no when I personally asked him to be my boyfriend... and after all that rejection, I still "loved" him and still wished he'd go out with me? Obviously there are lots of situations in life when tenacity is a great quality to have, but pursuing a middle school crush is not one of them. I mean, really, even if you ended up getting the guy at some point, how could you feel good about it? If he actually liked you, he wouldn't have needed to be threatened/strangled/verbally assaulted/constantly annoyed over a period of weeks before finally giving in (giving up?). What the hell kind of relationship is that? If a guy doesn't respond favorably to your advances from the start, just move on until you find someone who does. haha. No sense wasting your time.
Easy for me to say now... but middle school was slightly more confusing because there were other factors that I think affected boys' decisions... peer pressure, popularity, whether a girl had boobs yet, etc. I'm actually not at all sure about that last one, but I wouldn't be entirely surprised. Thirteen is an awkward age all around.
I guess we'll see what happens from here...
Krista, I think you may have been the most dramatic 13 yr old ever, hahaha