Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Boy: Kevin!

In most diary entries from 7th grade, there's usually at least one thing that makes me cringe. And I don't mean content... I mean grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. This entry takes the cake. Two cringes in one sentence.

Cringe #1: "Him and I were at our lockers"
Cringe #2: "said to no one impirticular"

Nonononono! He, not him. Eek.

I guess it's kind of cute that I thought "in particular" was one word spelled "impirticular", but I feel like by 7th grade you should know that phrase. Nowadays, I'm a grammar/punctuation/spelling snob, so maybe I'm being too hard on my 7th grade self. Actually, I just did a Google search for "impirticular" and Google says: "Did you mean: imparticular". And get this... even though there are only 10 search results for "impirticular", there are 19,000 results for "imparticular". I can't believe there are that many idiots out there (most of which are probably adults too!).

Oh crap. Guess what I just realized? Pretty soon after I post this, this blog entry is going to be the 11th search result for "impirticular" and the 19,000-somethingth result for "imparticular". Nooooooo! I want to be part of the solution- not part of the problem!

P.S. Okay, now that you know I'm a grammar/punctuation/spelling snob, don't go and get all critical of my blog posts on me. I know there have been multiple times that I've ended a sentence with a preposition or written a split infinitive or used incorrect subject-verb agreement or had too many passive sentences or overused ellipses. Every time I do one of these things, please understand, I do cringe and consider changing it. Sometimes I do change it, but other times I just think "F it". I never intended for this blog to be an example of my best writing. So don't judge. Trust me, if you're bothered by something I've written incorrectly, it's probably bothering me just as much if not more. So I apologize. But, whatever... F it. :P

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