Monday, November 30, 2009

Regret Sets In

Ah such a common break-up theme. I suppose I can't speak for everyone, but I know in my life regardless of whether I am the dumper or dumpee, after the break-up, I feel sad for a little while but then a defense mechanism of sorts kicks in and I think of all the good justifications for the split...

He was too young for me, he cheated on me, he had embarassing body odor, he lacked ambition, he routinely ignored me on the phone while trying to simultaneously play video games, I hated his family, he was stuck-up and boring, he wasn't religious, he was a different religion, he pressured me, he had stupid hair, he had an inferiority complex, he was too short, he was a liar, he was a pathological liar, or in the case of Craig: opposites just don't attract.

And then after a day or so of being comfortable with the break-up, regret sets back in. No. No. Nononono. Wait. I thought I was okay, but I'm not. I'm really not okay. I miss him. I miss his voice and his kiss and dammit I miss his stupid hair. I'll never be able to tease him about cutting (or not cutting) his hair again. Wahhh! I was wrong. I want him baaaaaaack.

Unfortunately, that's just the natural progression of a break-up. A few days or weeks of the back-and-forth emotions and it all works itself out. Oh and it certainly doesn't hurt for there to be a new guy on the horizon. ;)

FYI: those were all legit break-up justifications from various relationships throughout my life (not all the same guy obviously... thank god).

“11-21-96. Dear Yraid, I wish Craig would go back out with me again. I really like him and I want him back. He is getting cuter & cuter every day. Ahh I love him! I wish we were still together. Today when I brought my trash back at lunch, Craig was behind me by the garbage cans. Then he started a conversation with me about how he flicked Jordan on the head & he passed out. Do you think he was trying to impress me? Doubt it, he likes me as a friend only (I think). Amazingly, this is the first time we brought our trays up together! He always brought his tray up before me when we were going out! Wow! Strange. Well, to sum up this entry: I WISH CRAIG AND I WERE MORE THAN JUST FRIENDS! -Krista I Heart Craig!”

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