Friday, November 6, 2009

Will we make it to Friday?!

11-11-96 Dear Yraid, On Sat. Jaime and I babysat for a 3 yr old (Hunter) and about an 8 month old (Morgan).  It was an interesting (ask Jaime) experience- but I got 5$ out of it!  Then I slept over at Jaime's- very fun!  Today I called Craig after school.  We were both doing our homework.  It was funny becaues we kept swearing because we didn't understand it or got something wrong.  We got our seats changed in Sci and Math.  Now in Sci I still sit by Craig.  But in Math:That's too far apart!  Well, I need to go out with Craig longer then Jessica.  I'm determined!  She went out with him for 2 weeks.  So I have to last until Friday.  Which would make it 2 weeks and a day.  Well Bye!  KRISTAWhen I think of how immature I was at age twelve and how young little twelve-year-olds seem to me today, it blows. my. mind. that people trusted me at that age with their INFANTS.

And then I remember how uncomfortable I was the most recent time I held a baby a few months ago, and realize... nope, those parents were right-- I was wayyyy more qualified for childcare at twelve than I am at twenty-five. Not only was I "safe-sitter certified" back in 1996, I was all-pro at feeding babies, burping babies, cooing at babies, changing babies diapers, carrying babies around for hours, etc. Now, I don't even know where to start. I can't relate to babies.

What happened? I think college happened. Four straight years of zero contact with anyone under the age of eighteen. All my nurturing qualities were thrown out the window.

OH god. Know what's scarier yet? Morgan, that baby we watched, is now older than we were when we babysat her. Crap! And Hunter is probably driving now! I. feel. so. old.

And P.S. I hope $5 wasn't half of what we earned!!!

So back to the entry-- What do you think? Will Craig and I last 2 weeks 1 day? Will we date longer than he and Jessica? Is it true love? CAN YOU STAND THE SUSPENSE?!?!!

“11-11-96 Dear Yraid, On Sat Jaime & I babysat for a 3 yr old (Hunter) & about an 8 month old (Morgan). It was an interesting (ask Jaime) experience – but I got $5 out of it! Then I slept over at Jaime’s- very fun! Today, I called Craig after school. We were both doing our homework. It was funny because we kept swearing because we didn’t understand it or we got something wrong. We got our seats changed in Sci & Math. Now in Sci I still sit by Craig. But in Math, that’s too far apart! Well, I need to go out with Craig longer than Jessica. I’m determined! She went out with him for 2 weeks. So I have to last until Friday which would make it 2 weeks & a day! Well Bye! KRISTA”

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh! i love the story about the kids you babysat for - first of all $5?? That's slave wages!! Today, i would expect AT LEAST $50 for taking care of two beasts of those ages all night long.

    And can I just say that when I was in middle/high school there were two main families I babysat for on a regular basis. The first family (who STILL make fun of me for accidentally setting a tupper on the stove while it was hot - they apparently still have and use said tupper on a regular basis) had two girls . . . one my sister's age and one two years older. OH YEAH THEY ARE BOTH IN COLLEGE NOW. One of them is 21!!! OLD. We. Are. Old. The other family had girl who was a complete baby . . . like I remember changing her diapers. . . is now in high school and getting ready to drive. FML.

    Missed the blog! Glad you're updating again!


