Sunday, June 28, 2009

Prank Calls & 7th Grade Wish List

We obviously had no idea what we were doing in regard to prank calls. I know I had heard of the concept in general but I didn't know much about it. It would be years before I heard of The Jerky Boys, watched Crank Yankers, or played with online celebrity soundboards. So in 1996, our prank calls were super lame. First of all, we only called people we knew. We were too nervous and embarrassed to call strangers. And these were the days before caller ID! Secondly, we didn't say anything funny or outrageous, we basically just pretended we were telemarketers. Not funny. At all.

Oh well.

I enjoy that one of the items on my 7th grade wish list was "good packed lunches". At this age, my parents still packed my lunches. I'm sure I begged for ham sandwiches, Gushers, and Dunkaroos (P.S. whatever happened to Dunkaroos anyhow?) but I didn't get my way all of the time. It's funny to think that at that time my packed lunches were so far out of my control that I had to *wish* for them to be good. In high school, I would have just been like, "Mom, screw this crappy PB&J, I'm going to buy pepperoni balls and an ice cream sandwich for lunch." But in 7th grade I didn't have much of my own money to spend. What my parents packed is what I got.

Also, "NO BAD HAIR DAYS!" Really? Did I even do my hair in middle school? I'm pretty sure I just took a shower the night before and rolled out of bed the next day. Maybe that had something to do with it. Or maybe the issue was my bangs- which were always losing their curl and falling in my face. Or maybe it was that whole Sun-In thing...


  1. I absolutely love that one of your wish lists is a replacement for Mrs. Sam. That was probably the only class that I ever got in trouble..

    One year, I wrote an evaluation of the class that she didn't like so she made me re-do the evaluation. Looking back, I should have reported her to the principle for that. But, what does a 7th grader know about school policy? 8th grade, she sent me and Rachel to the guidance counselor because we kept passing notes back and forth.

  2. i LOVE that number one on your wish list is a "top locker" and number nine is "popularity"


  3. LOL Sarah... yep, Mrs. Sam was cracked out. Did anyone like her? The only good things I remember from that class are playing Sim City and winning prizes from her random basket of crap in the closet (like nail polish samples... wtf?).

    Shea- I had my priorities IN LINE. C'mon everyone knows a top locker gets you further in life than popularity. lol. Good observation! :)

  4. Seriously krista, who doesnt wish for a good reputation? haha whats that even mean, you werent sleeping around with a bunch of other 6th graders so what kind of reputation were you gonna get! Oh well, who can worry about that when a good company and top lockers and packed lunches are on the line

  5. Oooh Justin, good point. I have NO idea what a "bad reputation" was in 7th grade. I mean, I guess kids were starting to make out and maybe even fool around and probably sneaking cigarettes and alcohol. But I wouldn't know anything about all that. haha. If that was a "bad reputation", why would I think people would ever assume I was doing those things if I wasn't? I probably had the opposite problem... too nerdy and awkward. AH. Maybe that's the reputation I meant. Maybe I didn't want to be a loser? Hm.
