Monday, August 3, 2009

Two BIG Embarassing Things

Oh man, you are in for a TREAT. I am doing two unheard of things today:

#1 - I'm posting twice in one day
#2 - I'm taking some bigger than usual risks by posting some more embarrassing than usual content. Eek.

But I couldn't help myself! I was back home at my parents' house this past weekend and I uncovered some relics that I'm compelled to share.

First of all, remember Doug's score sheet list I mentioned before? In a diary entry from sixth grade, I mentioned that Doug had created a new version but saved it to a 3.5 inch floppy disk that I didn't know how to work. WELL... the original list was created in fifth grade and for some reason, he let me keep it. And HOLY SHIT I FOUND IT. It is absolutely ridiculous and somewhat unacceptable that I still have this in my possession. I mean, I totally feel like one of those crazy pack rat recluses you see on TV whose house is totally filled with clutter and who have to sleep curled up under the kitchen table or something because their bedroom and every other possible square inch of living space is covered in things like stuffed animals and wrapping paper and grade school sports trophies that they've accumulated and grown attached to over the years. But it's not like that. Promise.

Okay, enough rambling excuses. Here's the super-vintage list from circa 1995...

If I remember correctly, "D" was Doug, "J" was Joe, and "R" was Ray. That's me with the pathetic 2.7 rating from my big crush Doug. Sad. But you gotta believe I was ecstatic about the 7.5 rating from Joe... even though I was still 5th on his list.

I have no idea why Kara got X's. She might have been new that year, so maybe they didn't feel that they knew her well enough to rate her. Certainly an X is different than the 0.0's that Emily and Jessica got. Ouch! So I guess my 2.7 from Doug could have been worse.

Okay, now for big embarrassment #2. My friend Shea doubted the awfulness of my pre-orthodontia teeth that I mentioned in this entry. Well, I return with proof.

First, check out this stylin' pic from 1992 (end of 2nd grade).

Be nice. We're here to look at my former teeth. Not to admire my yellow plastic earrings. Or to look at that weird perm. Or to question those suspender things. Or to discuss whether or not age 8 is too young to begin waxing one's eyebrows. Check out that mean grill!

If insides of mouths creep you out, you should just close your browser right now and scroll down no further. Because, here is an intimate picture of the mess my bottom teeth used to be in prior to braces...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! See, Shea? I wasn't exaggerating!

Okay, that's been enough embarrassment for the day. Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha that's fabulous . . . They are bad . . . although I've seen worse!

    Thanks for sharing!
