Thursday, July 16, 2009

Introducing a New Crush: Craig

I've always appreciated a nice set of choppers!

I can't even relate to people with naturally perfect teeth. Or people with perfect eyes either. Or perfect skin! If natural selection applied to humans, I probably wouldn't be alive today. My weak crooked-toothed farsighted dry-skinned ancestors would have been killed off long ago.

Every time I look at pictures of myself pre-braces, I am reminded of how much orthodontia has changed my life. Okay, that's a slight exaggeration but I
am pretty sure I would be a completely different person today if I still had that mangled mess of misplaced teeth in my head. My first kiss probably would have been delayed at least 10-15 years and I may not even have friends. And I wouldn't laugh as often or own mirrors.

I hated having braces for six freaking years, but it was definitely worth it. The worst part though was when they took my braces off sometime in sixth grade for a few months... just to give me a break or tease me or have an excuse to bill my parents more or something... and then - SURPRISE - put the braces back on for another two years. Which in middle school felt like a lifetime. But in the end, like I said, it was worth it.

So... thanks Mom and Dad for investing in my smile! Laaaaaaaame, I know. But for real, thank you. :)


Shea said...

I love how practical you were in choosing your crushes. It's so very you.

the stuff about the braces cracks me up . . . haha, but your teeth couldn't have been THAT bad! haha

So do you still keep a diary til this day???

krista said...

Shea, my teeth WERE that bad. Some day I'll show you the "before & after" pics that my orthodontist took. Maybe I'll even post them on here. But in order to do that... I'd have to find them first... and I'm thinking they're somewhere in a box in a closet back at my parents' house. Ugh. Effort.

I do still keep a diary but I don't write NEARLY as often as I used to. I probably write maybe once or twice a month... if that. But during Lent this year I wrote EVERY DAY for 40 days! I was proud of myself... but it wasn't hard for me to fall out of the habit again. :( I constantly regret not writing more often these days...

Krista's Mom said...

They were bad and definitely not all lined up like they are now!

krista said...

See? Told you! My mom wouldn't lie. :)