Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Blog Fright

Oh. So I’m supposed to write on this thing?

It’s funny how one day over two weeks ago, I spent hours signing up for this blog, choosing a color scheme, designing the header, tweaking the twitter badge javascript, and contemplating fonts… and then never wrote anything until now. I was all blogged out and I hadn’t even blogged yet. Bad sign? Perhaps.

I think I was just intimidated by the first entry. Even as I type this, I’m biting my nails… a nervous habit that I rarely ever do. Oh. Or rarely ever admit that I do. Do I do it a lot? I certainly don’t do it every day… right? Honestly, I don’t. I’ve seen people much much worse.

I’ve kept a diary since first grade… 20 diaries and counting… most of which are 3-subject spiral notebooks. They take up almost an entire shelf on my bookshelf. It certainly wasn’t hard to pour my thoughts out into those… but now this blog… open and in front of everyone… Even if I don’t reveal anything too personal or shocking… it’s still weird to me. I guess I have stage fright. Blog fright?

Anyhow, hi. Here I am. I’m starting this blog mainly because I’m going on a road trip soon with my friends Shea & Michelle and I want to write about it. But I plan to keep writing even after the trip, so we’ll see what happens!

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