Monday, January 25, 2010


In case you didn't have them at your middle school, Candygrams were notes, presumably with candy (although I don't remember what kind), that you'd send to your classmates at school through the Student Council or something. You could buy them at lunch and they'd be delivered to the recipients in their homeroom later that week. Of course, the popular and pretty girls always had desks full of candygrams from all their secret admirers. But I'd be lucky to even get one. And when I did, it was usually from a BFF who I had made an agreement with that we'd send each other Candygrams so wouldn't look like total losers. I think they were like 50 cents each and I assume the proceeds went to charity, but again, that's another detail I don't recall. Around Valentine's Day, they did a similar sale but with carnations, the most romantic flower in the world.

"12-12-96. Dear Yraid, So I do like Richard. But it is a weird feeling. I like him but I'm not sure if I would want to go out with him though. I mean he’s really cute. But he can be really strange- but so am I. I don’t like it when he wears his glasses though. I kinda want to go out with him. Oh well! I don’t think Jaime’s going to dump Doug now. She sent him a Candy Gram that said “I Heart You!” in it. Doug sent her one that said “Love ya!” He does hang around with Teri a little too much. I wish I had someone who loved me as much as Doug loves Jaime. As much as Craig USED TO like me. I wish someone would just love & respect me like Craig… or… Richard. Maybe Richard, maybe. Well, I’ll see ya. Krista. P.S. I think Richard is helping me get over Craig. I mean not Richard, literally. It’s because I’m starting to like Richard, therefore, I’m getting over Craig! I only cry a little when I hear a sad song now! GO ME! I LIKE RICHARD! I ALMOST STILL LOVE CRAIG!”

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