Sunday, February 15, 2009

Attention Whore / Drama Queen

Really? My parents took me to Imagimaze (bravely subjecting themselves to hours of stressful boredom due to the cacophony of screaming children and dearth of adult-focused entertainment)... and I thought no one cared? My parents both took the time to tell me goodnight... and still I thought no one cared? Ha. I didn't even know what it was like to really have no one care. My poor parents were busy raising three young children and trying to keep everyone happy (a task I cannot even fathom doing myself)... can you blame them for not taking more than a minute to glance at my clearly non-sprained foot? Or my barely scraped thumb? Or my bruised eye? What exactly is a bruised eye?

If something were seriously wrong, I know my parents would have had me at the ER in no time. I was just an attention whore and drama queen. I'm amazed they even put up with me.

P.S. Imagimaze was the small-town version of Discovery Zone (DZ).

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